Colorful billboard on the top of the building featuring printed images of hand body art, including a hummingbird and yellow flower.

Advertising campaign "Business Energy" 360°

Client: KazKom

Industry: Banking and finance

Product: Small business loans
KazKom (Halyk Bank) is the leading financial institute and the biggest bank in Kazakhstan. They are constantly working on developing new banking products for both businesses and consumers. Every banking product they launch is supported by 360 degrees advertising campaign aiming to inform, educate and stimulate use from according target audience.
Colorful flyer in blue and yellow colors featuring printed images of hand body art, including a bee, fish, hummingbird (or colibri), and seahorse.
Colorful Lightbox in blue and yellow colors featuring printed images of hand fish body art in the center of the city.

The Challenge

In times of turbulence and uncertainty small businesses are the ones who are under the highest level of pressure. In order to help small businesses overcome the crisis, KazKom has introduced a line of loans tailored to fulfill the most important and common needs. Our agency was entitled to develop an advertising campaign to support the launch of the new banking products.
Colorful design of the credit card in blue and yellow colors featuring printed images of hand body art, including a beautiful fish.
Colorful flyer in blue and yellow colors featuring printed images of hand body art, including a bee, fish, hummingbird (or colibri), and seahorse.

The Solution

We have started with development of the name for the line of new loans. Focusing on importance of the small businesses being the backbone of the overall business eco-system and perceiving money as the fuel to drive businesses further we came up to “Business Energy” name reflecting both of these insights. The logotype developed for the line of loans capitalized on these statements positioning small business in the center of the composition being circled by orbits of the loans, and reminiscent of the atom scheme symbolizing energy.

Following the nature of the small businesses we came up with a set of visual representations of small, yet powerful creatures, along with the slogan “Become Faster, Stronger and Bigger!”. Each type of loan in the product line was supported by a corresponding animal character.

When thinking of the best possible execution technique, we associated small business with precious fragile handmade items that are of the greatest importance for their owners. This approach led us to an idea of using a hand as yet another symbol for small business and we literally build the whole campaign as being hand made.

The campaign included TV commercial, radio ads, set of outdoor visuals, leaflets, print modules and online ads.

The Results

The campaign has delivered outstanding results both in terms of critical acclaim and business KPIs. The TV commercial “Fish” has been voted to be the best TV commercial of the year in Kazakhstan and has won NY Adfest in the corresponding category.